Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Exercise: Back Pain's Kryptonite?

Eight in 10 people experience back pain at some point in their lives, and according to a recent Gallup survey, the statistics are even more concerning, particularly if you include neck pain in the conversation. Per the survey, back and/or neck pain has been an "ongoing problem" (lasting five years or more) in more than half of people who visited a health care professional in the previous 12 months for one or both of those complaints.

Now here's where it gets interesting. According to the same survey, nearly eight in 10 (78 percent) would rather try nondrug pain-relief options before using a prescription pain medication. (Chiropractic would be a great option, of course.) And to reduce pain intensity (or perhaps even prevent it from striking in the first place), here's a simple strategy to combine with your periodic chiropractic wellness care: exercise.

risk analysis - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark Yes, research suggests people who exercise are less likely to develop low back pain – 33 percent likely, according to a review of 16 previously published studies published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. Exercises that strengthen and stretch the lumbar (low back) and abdominal muscles, or strengthening and aerobic exercises combined, seem to do the trick, according to the lead study author. And it gets better: Back pain severity and resulting disability were also lower in patients who exercised.